Welcome to my webpage!!!
Hello!!! Welcome to my absolute mess of a personal website!!! Just a goofy little scene kid coding a dinky website for the sake of fun and self-expression!!! I'm still working on getting everything set up, but there are definitely things to look at!!!
Thank you for visiting my site, I hope you enjoy your stay, and please don’t forget to sign the guestbook!!!
Oh and uh!!! Lemme know if there's anything you think I can improve!!! I might remove the rainbow gif on the navbar and make it something less eye-fuckingly-bright!!!
Other sites I like!!!
Check out these really neat websites!!!


Sites without buttons:
Update Log!!!
- -March 9th, 2024: Updated about me page, added more pages about myself, added music (in the only way I could figure out for you to be able to listen and browse at the same time). Soon I will be adding my art page and redoing the page I made for my partner!
- -July 6th, 2023: Added pages to about section for gender/pronouns and views!!! Working on interests page :D!!!
- -July 4th, 2023: Updating links for graphics so the site isn't broken!!! Also re-did my about and added another page to it!!! More pages will be added onto it soon, then my about section will be complete!!! Please mind any broken links there until then!!!
- -June 30th, 2023: Added links to other sites I like to my home page!!! Will be adding more later, probably tomorrow <3!!!
- -June 23rd, 2023: Added a chatbox to the homepage. Still working on updating my about page, I've got ideas of how I want it to look and function, but I keep getting distracted from working on it TwT!!! Might post a journal soon ;3c!!!
- -June 18th, 2023: Changed the backgrounds on the home page, added site button, added blinkies. Added Journal "Table of Contents" to sort writings out by groups in the future. Started on 'interests' page and started on Bioshock shrine. Did some very very minor updates to my about page.
- -May 1st, 2023: Tried messing around more with the layout of this homepage and updated welcome message. Also started a page to archive all of my playlists, which can be found on my about me page.